Sunday, October 14, 2018

Places That Remind Me of My Childhood: The Playhouse

The playhouse that I used to play in as a child is also at my grandparents house, as a lot of these things will be because it is the place that most reminds me of my childhood. It was built a long time ago for my Aunt Teresa when she was a child, so I’d say it was probably built in the early 1970’s. When I was a child, the playhouse was about 30 years old, but I still absolutely loved playing in it with my cousins. It was dirty and old, but still held incredibly special memories for me. My cousins and I would play house and school in it with our dolls and fake silverware and plates, but would always be so scared that wasps or spiders would get us because it had cobwebs and wasps nests in it from being outside. Nevertheless, it was a very important part of my childhood.

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