Sunday, October 14, 2018

Places That Remind Me of My Childhood: My Cousin's House

An ongoing feature at this time that will be going on in my blog is Exploring Ideas Through Places. This is the first of eight posts that will feature places that remind me of my childhood. Stay tuned if you want to see more!

My cousin Ashtyn’s house probably holds many of the best memories that I have from my childhood. She was and still is one of my best friends and I was always super excited when I knew I’d be going to her house. When we were younger, we would play house in her basement or go swimming in her pool. I remember always wanting to climb the hay bales in their shed and one time actually doing it and hurting myself. We would also take walks on the cow trails behind her house and go exploring. During the summer, we would take walks on the road and go swimming in the creek at her neighbor’s house and try to keep from her mom finding out. Birthday parties were also a fun event that I looked forward to spending at my cousin’s house, as shown in this picture. Going to my cousin's house holds memories that I'll never forget.

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